Board & Volunteers

Board of Directors

Shelley Socolofsky, Director at Large, President

Susan Gangsei, Director of Promotions

Kennita Tully, Director of Volunteers

David van Buskirk, Director at Large

Claire Most, Director of Membership, Secretary

Gigi Woolery, Director of Awards

Barbara Heller, Director of Education

Susan Snider, Director of Finance, Treasurer

Judy Newland, Director of Exhibitions

Board Eligibility

All ATA members who have access to email are eligible to apply to become a member of the Board of Directors. Each board member heads one of ATA’s committees and works with a team. Board candidates should possess administrative and management skills, and be willing to dedicate time most weeks to fulfilling committee responsibilities. Interested members may email board(at)


Can you lend a hand? ATA’s programming is made possible by volunteers. Our committees are led by volunteers who work together under the leadership of a Committee Chair. ATA welcomes new volunteers at all times and will find a job that suits your interests, talents, and availability. The Board of Directors hopes you will join the “inner circle” of ATA by getting involved. Fill out the following form below or contact our Volunteer Director by emailing volunteer(at)

Volunteer Skills Survey Form

Volunteer Experience Survey Form

Awards Committee: Gigi Woolery

  • Award for Excellence — Gigi Woolery
  • International Student Award — Gigi Woolery
  • Scholarship for Tapestry Study — Gigi Woolery

Communications: Maggie Leininger

  • Let’s Talk Tapestry — Kristin Kelley Munoz
  • eKudos — Virginia Taylor
  • eNews — Maggie Leininger
  • Artist Pages — Maggie Leininger

Education Committee: Barbara Heller, Chair

  • Mentoring Program — Linda Disosway
  • Convergence Members Retreat & Workshops — Barbara Heller
  • Online Educational Articles — Barbara Heller, Leslie Mitchell
  • Website Links — Kim Mumbower

Exhibitions Committee: Judy Newland, Chair

  • Exhibitions Coordinator — Ila McCallum
  • TEx@ATA Gallery — Barbara Burns, Coordinator
  • Catalog Design — Open

Finance Committee: Susan Snider, Chair

  • Bookkeeper — Amy Fincher
  • Financial Management — Susan Snider
  • Print Materials Shipping — Deb Shoenberger
  • Print Materials Label Production — Jessica Ostrow

Fundraising Committee: David van Buskirk, Chair

  • Donor Acknowledgement— David van Buskirk

Membership Committee: Claire Most, Chair

  • Membership Database Maintenance and Renewals — Claire Most
  • Tapestry Topics mailing — Ruth Manning
  • Membership Directory — Claire Most
  • Member Survey and Think Tanks — Maggie Leininger

Promotions & Social Media: Susan Gangsei

  • Scheduling — Susan Gangsei
  • Social Media Daily Posting — Linda Crenshaw and Gina Wimberly-Gard
  • Spotlights — Adia Olguin
  • Advertising — Susan Gangsei, Layout–Diane Chicoine
  • Outreach — Susan Gangsei

Tapestry Topics: Leslie Munro, Editor

  • Robbie Lafleur, Copy Editor; Leslie Mitchell, Prooofreading; Lindsay Kronmiller, Design; Kim Mumbower, Indexing; Kennita Tully, Volunteer Column

Volunteers Committee: Kennita Tully, Chair

  • Volunteer Coordinator — Patricia Sindewald