Volunteer Skills Survey Form

Skills Survey

Volunteers make ATA's many programs possible. ATA is a virtual, geographically widespread organization. Some programs are ongoing, some are one-time events, some are worked on by committees and others are handled by a single individual. And, sometimes, we just need a piece of specific advice from someone with specialized knowledge in a particular field. We'd like to know more about you, so that we know whom to turn to when we have a question. Please help us out by filling in this short survey. Thank you!

    Please check any of the items that apply to you.
    Please check any of the items that apply to you.
    Please check any of the items for which your skills are current.
    Please check any of the items that apply to you.
  • Having trouble with this form? Please email info@americantapestryalliance.org if you would like help.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.