Instructional Videos on Tapestry
Interested in trying your hand at tapestry weaving? Forget how to do a specific technique? Looking for inspiration? The list below provides a selection of online videos demonstrating tapestry equipment and weaving techniques. Video resources are categorized according to a topic. If you have a link that you find especially helpful and would like to share it, please email info(at)
Process Overview
- Amy Ilic Weaving
- Art of Making a Tapestry
- Contemporary Handwoven Tapestry (ATA video)
- Contemporary Tapestry (ATA video)
- Documentel: un fil sense fi (how to make a tapestry)
- Making a Tapestry
- Revealing of Past
- Tapisserie de basse lice (Aubusson)
- Weaving Four Selvedge on Floor Loom (Martha Stanley)
- Woven tapestry techniques (Brennan-Maffei)
Design & Sampling
- Creativity in Tapestry Weaving
- Designing for tapestry
- Jilly Edwards: how to weave from an original design
Warping the Loom
- Elizabeth Buckley on Heading as Foundation
- How to make half-hitch knots when warping
- How to warp & weave on Schacht tapestry loom
- How to warp a floor loom (Elizabeth Wagner’s channel)
- Kliot tapestry loom from Lacis
- Mirrix warping tips (Rebecca Mezoff)
- Monique travaille à la chaîne
- Video instructions for Acorn tapestry loom
- Warping for Navajo style weaving Part 1 Part 2
- Warping for tapestry/fiber weaving (Mirrix Loom)
Weft, Beaters, & Bobbins
- Care and feeding of tapestry bobbins Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4a Part 4b Part 5
- Handbeaters for tapestry weaving
- How many strands of single yarns do I use for tapestry?
- Making finger skeins
- NMPBS ¡Colores!: James Koehler (dyeing, spinning)
- Splicing yarn with more than 2 plys
- Swivel technique for unplying tapestry yarn
- Tapestry butterflies
- Tightening Your Weft Wraps in Tapestry
- Warp spacing and weft tension
Tapestry Techniques
- Attaching a tapestry cartoon to floor loom warp
- Dovecot tapestry tutorial
- How to make bubbles in tapestry weaving
- Interlock join multiple color
- Introduction to irregular hatching
- James Koehler weft interlock video
- Maria Almanza is weaving her piece
- Review of Meet and Separate
- Tapestry Techniques: Hatching
- Tapestry Weaving (D L Rigter)
- Tapestry weaving (Tommye McClure Scanlin)
- Textural Tapestry: Some Basics
- Tightening your weft wraps
- Weaving a tapestry
- Weaving Shapes (Tapestry Unlimited Blog Tour)
- Weaving the letter e
- Weaving the Olsen (Australian Tapestry Workshop)
Finishing a Tapestry
- Basics of Finishing a Tapestry
- Cutting off a new tapestry
- Finishing a tapestry
- Finishing a weaving
- Finishing: stitching down the warps
- Finishing woven tapestry ends
- Four selvedge Sky tapestry (Rebecca Mezoff)
- Half Damascus edge
- Mounting tapestries: clipping the corners
- Tapestry edging
- Maori edge Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
YouTube Channels
- Elizabeth Buckley
- Rebecca Mezoff
- Mirrix Looms
- MoonRainCentre
- Ixchel Suarez
- Kathe Todd-Hooker
- Elizabeth Wagner