Educational Resources About Tapestry
Tapestry weaving has a long history that extends around the globe. The links below provide insight into various techniques, processes, and histories of tapestry weaving. Some of the links are also cross-listed on the Instructional Video page. If you have a link that you find especially helpful and would like to share it, please email
On Tapestry
- Art of French Tapestry Making
- Art of Making a Tapestry
- Contemporary Handwoven Tapestry (ATA video)
- Contemporary Tapestry (ATA video)
- Cutting Silvia’s final tapestries from the loom
- Exciting Story of Tapestry Art and its Contemporary Masters
- Martin Nannestad Jorgensen – Slow Art
- Portuguese Contemporary Tapestry
- Stirling Tapestry Timelapse
- Weaving sounds
Artist Interviews & Documentaries
- Angela Forte Tapestry Artist
- Ann Matlock “Cloth of the world”
- Archie Brennan
- Archie Brennan (Dersu Uzala – The Earth Awaits)
- Archie Brennan: Weaving a Legacy
- Archie Brennan Weaving illusions Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
- How ARCHIE BRENNAN brought TAPESTRY into POP ART (Kate Grenyer) | Matt’s Art Chat Clips
- Who was ARCHIE BRENNAN? (Kate Grenyer) | Matt’s Art Chat Clips
- ArtAndes Presents Maximo Laura
- Françoise Vernaudon – tapisseries d’Aubusson
- Hannah Ryggen
- Helena Hernmarck – Of Us and Art
- In the Studio: Erin M. Riley
- Inspired hands, artist portrait of Regina Vorgang
- Irvin Trujillo master weaver
- It’s all about art – Barbara Heller
- James Koehler
- Jo Barker
- Joan Baxter – Weaving water
- Martha Heine tapestry weaver
- Maximo Laura – Peruvian Textile Artist
- Micala Sidore of Hawley Street Tapestry Studio
- “Nature of Things …” with Tommye McClure Scanlin
- Navajo Weaver Marlowe Katoney
- Peter Harris, tapestry weaver
- Renate von Löwis of Menar
- Sandra Brownlee, weaver/notebook keeper
- Silvia Heyden
- Silvia Heyden weaves
- Weaverly Path film trailer (Silvia Heyden)
- SoHo Salon Featuring Stanley Bulbach
- Stardust (Bhakti Ziek)
- Weaving an Artist’s Life (Sarah Swett)
- Weaving Four Selvedge on Floor Loom (Martha Stanley)
Color & Dye
- Cochineal red: the art of color
- Dye analysis of medieval tapestry yarns
- In Search of Forgotten Colors (Sachio Yoshioka)
- Natural Dye Workshop with Michel Garcia
Community & Collaboration
- Altamont X Erin M. Riley Collaboration
- Art Collaboration: Weaving and Poetry
- Canadian Tapestry & Texture Centre – Community Projects
- Chris Ofili: Weaving Magic at the National Gallery (Dovecot Studio)
- Fate, Destiny and Self Determination (Line Dufour)
- Glass onion (Dovecot Studio)
- Making of Gordion Knot by Keith Tyson
- Weaving at the Canadian Tapestry and Texture Centre
- Weaving Peace (Thoma Ewen)
Conservation, Restoration & Textile History
- Burgos Tapestry: a study in conservation
- Cleaning Henry VIII’s tapestries
- Dundas Museum & Archives – Preparing the Tapestry for Storage
- Gardner Museum Cleans 16th-Century Flemish Tapestries
- Henry VIII’s tapestries revealed
- International Fine Art Appraisers
- Installing Tapestry Exhibitions at the Met
- Tapestries of Coptic Egypt
- Tapestry Conservation at the Gardner
- Wawel tapestries
- Caring for Textiles
- Institute of Conservation
- Textile Conservation Workshop
Handspinning Yarn for Tapestry
- How to make yarn
- Introduction to spinning Part 1 Part 2
- Joy of Handspinning
- Plying yarn
- Spinning for absolute beginners
- YouTube channel: Abby Franquemont
- American Tapestry Biennial 9 (Fort Wayne Museum of Art)
- American Tapestry Biennial 10 (Visions Art Museum)
- American Tapestry Biennial 11 (San Jose Museum of Quilts and Textiles)
- Annie Albers at Tate Modern
- Archie Brennan 4**** (Ed Fringe Day 8 Vlog Pt1)
- Art of Being an Apprentice (Dovecot Studios) Online Exhibit
- Fiberart Triennale 14 Poland
- From Lausanne to Beijing 9th
- From Lausanne to Beijing 10th
- Hunterdon Art Museum Showcases the Tapestries of Today
- NWxSE Tapestry Exhibit
- Renaissance Splendor (Tapestries, Cleveland Museum of Art)
- Sheila Hicks at Sikkema Jenkins & Co , NYC (April 2012)
- Tapestry International Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
- Triennale Internacional Textil Lodz
- Virtual Art Exhibition by Barbara Burns
- Woven By Hand: Contemporary Canadian Tapestries
Tapestry Studios & Workshops
- Australian Tapestry Workshop documentary
- Australian Tapestry Workshop (YouTube Channel)
- Dovecot Studios (Vimeo Channel)
- Dovecot Studios (YouTube Channel)
- Dovecot Studios: a rich tapestry
- Liciers de la Manufacture des Gobelins
- William Kentridge: weaver Marguerite Stephens (Stephens Tapestry Studio)
Tapestry Traditions
- Barbara Teller Ornelas & Lynda Teller Pete (Craft in America Teachers segment)
- Beauty before me: Navajo weavers
- Chimayo weavers
- Chimayo weavers Centinela Traditional Arts (Irvin Trujillo)
- Loom with a view: modern Navajo weavers
- Made here: Centinela Traditional Arts
- Master Artist Workshop: Navajo Weaving
- Navajo weavers carry on centuries-old tradition
- Nita Nez, Navajo Rug Weaver
- Seasons of a Navajo
- Sheep is Life trailer
- Tierra Wools — New Mexico PBS
- Unfolding Tradition (Lisa Trujillo, Irvin Trujillo)
- Weaving hands
- Weaving with Marie Begay
- Ben Leroux Navajo Textile Restoration
- Robert Mann Rugs
Tapestry Artist Blogs & Websites