Nanilee Robarge
Wild Mustard, 2023
4.75 in x 6.5 in
Nanilee Robarge
Blue Ink and Sticks, 2023
5.75 in x 5.75 in
Nanilee Robarge’s Artist Statement
My weavings express what I find beautiful and of interest, mostly images from nature and landscapes. I work with string and yarn to illustrate my experiences guided by initial photographs, and then further experimentation with watercolors and collage. Lastly, I hone in on those areas that say “weave me.” My recent body of work is all from imagery collected on morning walks, mostly in Golden Gate Park. The work is made with wool and silk on an upright tapestry loom with yarns blended and used as my paint. I enjoy handling the materials and working within the constraints imposed by weaving cloth. While new to tapestry techniques, I am a long-time weaver, teacher, and artist, and this background supports my learning, continued creating, and the strengthening of my voice.
Nanilee Robarge
Blue Ink and Eucalyptus, 2023
5.75 in x 5.75 in
Nanilee Robarge’s Artist Biography
Nanilee Robarge has an MFA with a textiles emphasis from San Francisco State University with an undergraduate degree from the University of Minnesota. She has enjoyed many opportunities in her art making including a residency with the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco at the de Young Museum, working as an Affiliate Artist at The Headlands Center for the Arts in Sausalito, CA, and was awarded a WESTAF/NEA Regional Fellowship in Visual Arts. She has additionally worked on public art installations and exhibits both solo and in collaboration with students.