American Tapestry Biennial

Liliana Crespi, ATB 14 Artist
Prickly Pear, 2020
46 in x 36 in
Since 1996, ATA has sponsored a biennial, juried exhibition known as the American Tapestry Biennial. This juried exhibition highlights the best of contemporary hand-woven tapestry. The work of hundreds of professional and amateur tapestry artists has been showcased by this exhibit since its inception. The exhibition receives submissions from artists around the world. This show intends to include not only artists who work within more traditional definitions of tapestry but also those artists whose work expands upon the core principles of the medium as it explores new techniques and processes. Artists producing woven work consisting of primarily discontinuous weft using a variety of techniques are encouraged to apply. ATA also strongly encourages the submission of small-format tapestries in addition to larger-scale work.
American Tapestry Biennial 15 will be on view at the Epiphany Center for the Arts in Chicago, IL from August 1, 2025, through September 26, 2025. The jurors for the exhibition include Crystal Gregory, Associate Professor of Fibers at the School of Art and Visual Studies, University of Kentucky, and Poppy Delta Dawn, Assistant Professor of Fibers at the University of Kansas, Lawrence. To enter, please go to CaFE to submit your entry.
Key Dates:
November 15, 2024-Entries Opens
March 1, 2025-Entries Close
March 31, 2025-Juror Notifications are sent
April 15, 2025-Catalog images due
July 15, 2025-Deadline to receive accepted work at venue
August 1, 2025-Opening Reception
September 26, 2025-Exhibit Closes
October 31, 2025-Work returned to artists
First-place Teitelbaum Award for technical proficiency in tapestry weaving will be awarded to an artist selected by the jurors.
Second-place Teitelbaum Award will also be awarded to an artist selected by the jurors.
A catalog and accompanying juror essays will be produced in conjunction with this exhibition and available for purchase.
ATA shows attract excellent attendance for their host museums, galleries, and art centers. For information about hosting an ATA exhibition contact the Director of Exhibitions at exhibitions(at)