Mentorship Application for Teachers

Mentor information

  • Thank you for offering to serve as a Mentor in ATA's Mentoring Program. By filling out this questionnaire, you will help us make a good match between mentor and student.
  • Student’s Responsibilities
    A six-month time commitment (could be extended by mutual agreement);
    Define the area of study;
    Prepare a list of realistic goals and objectives to complete in six months;
    Describe any finished project that you hope to complete;
    Propose a timetable for submitting samples, drawings, etc.;
    Pay for any expenses incurred during the program; and
    Submit a final report to the ATA Mentoring Committee.

    Mentor’s Responsibilities
    A six-month time commitment (could be extended by mutual agreement);
    Help the student set realistic goals for this six-month time frame;
    Provide direction, support and expertise as the student requires;
    Recommend additional sources for information and tapestry workshops;
    Evaluate progress during the course of study by critique; and
    Submit a final report to the ATA Mentoring Committee.
  • Thank you for your interest in the Mentoring Program. I look forward to working with you!
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.