2020 Awardee-Marge Allik

Marge Allik
Ice I, 2020
40 cm x 40 cm
Wool and linen. Photo by Signe Milkov
Artist Statement
Marge Allik’s tapestries are inspired by the present time. She says of her artwork. “The situation in the world forces us to spend more time in nature and enjoy the spectacle it offers. Nature is a wonderful artist who paints beautiful patterns on land, water, and air with a playful ease. One just has to notice. The forced withdrawal from the daily carousel brings simple, natural things and needs into focus. Nature teaches us to enjoy and appreciate the process of creating again. My works are inspired by the spring season and nature. By the time when the daily sun pushes nature to move and the night cold forces it to congeal again. On such mornings, the most beautiful painted patterns can be seen on the frozen water, offering the perfect aesthetic pleasure. These works are wonderful and yet only temporary, limited to a few short hours before then disappearing into eternity and reappearing in their unique form.”

Marge Allik
Ice II, 2020
40 cm x 40 cm
Wool & Linen. Photo by Signe Milkov