Zefren-M (Ephraim) Navajo
Colors May Fade But I Still Exist, 2022
39 in x 59 in

Zefren-M (Ephraim) Navajo
Return of the Matriarchs, 2019
42 in x 59 in

Zefren-M (Ephraim) Navajo Artist Statement

It is my mission to capture history stories and archaeology to create modern art so these ancient arts do not Fade Away into only museums and books. While using my art to teach the next generation of southwestern indigenous weavers, the Lost history and weavings of our ancestors. Through visits to Museums like SARS, Wheelwright, and a collection of out-of-print papers I’ve collected, I have started to rebuild a timeline of weaving technology and techniques of the last 2000 years. A new narrative emerges that reaffirms a collective existence between the ancestors of the tribes of the southwest.

Zefren-M (Ephraim) Navajo
Mother Earth and Father Sky Entwined, 2019
9.5 in x 9.5 in each pane. Scrap yarns

Zefren-M (Ephraim) Navajo’s Biography

Ephraim Anderson (Zefren-M) is a member of the Navajo Tribe and living in Shiprock New Mexico as a full-time college student, artist, and caregiver of his father. He is multi-disciplined and uses a combination of oral history, archeological research, and experiments to explore Navajo material art for its practical knowledge as well as atheistic beauty, form and visual narrative. Zefren-M has studied with Master weaver Roy Kady to better understand traditional techniques as he strives to create the art that pushes the Navajo narrative into the future. He is also a 2018 Heard Museum Best of show winner and has multiple awards from the Navajo nation Fair, Gallup Ceremonial, and the Santa Fe Indian Market. Zefren-M uses his work to support his education in Bachelor’s of Fine arts at Dine college.